Orange County Fl Quit Claim Deed Form. The term Quit Claim is used in the deed because the seller quits his claim or interest thus transferring ownership in the property to the buyer. Quit claim deed florida form - Florida Quitclaim Deed from Husband and Wife to Two Individuals as Joint Quick claim deed florida form - iowa dor quit claim deed form.
Quit Claim(s) to. whose address is. the following described premises situated in the County of. of and State of Michigan, to-wit: Commonly known as: for the full consideration of Tax I.
The person who transfers the property is known as the "grantor" while the person who receives the interest Your county Recorder's office should have a quitclaim form for you to pick up.
The Florida quit claim deed is a legal document that is used primarily, for a Grantor (seller) and a Grantee (buyer) shall use in the transfer of ownership with regard to a parcel of real estate. Quit Claim Deed Form - Orange County. It is often used to transfer property between family members or other parties who know each other.