Open Workbook Vba Not Visible. You could use this this kind of thing to see if it is open or not: [VBA] Sub Test_IsWorkbookOPen. Such a solution would be inappropriate for user workbooks.
I created a workbook with some VBA coding. When opening a workbook, you may want to make sure that a particular worksheet is always displayed first. It did open once or twice where it was visible to the user.
This is what I have so far and what it does is hide BOTH workbooks.
The only way to ensure this is through the use of a macro, described here.
Is there a way to move the "window" size workbook to the visible screen area using the keyboard since I can't see it to mouse over and drag it to center screen. Where to Put the VBA Code. But it remains the question: How do I start the macro in the scheduler so that the workbook is not visible???