One Way Non Disclosure Agreement Template. This sample document has been produced by the European IPR Helpdesk, based on the experiences and acknowledg-ments gathered during the performance of its activities, including the Helpline support service, awareness raising. Unilateral ◈ Bilateral (Mutual) ◈ One-sided ✍NDA.
Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs), also known as Confidentiality Agreements, help parties feel comfortable revealing confidential information with commercial value that they might otherwise keep secret, so that commercial negotiations can continue openly and honestly.
C.) Non-Circumvention, Non-Disclosure & Working Agreement.
It is often used in business situations, where a new employee, potential investor, or partner will have access to valuable information. One-way vs. mutual Non Disclosure Agreements, the pros and cons of each, free templates for inventors. Download one of our solicitor drawn NDAs.