Osha Written Hazard Communication Program Template. The purpose of this Hazard Communication ("HazCom") Program is to inform employees of the hazardous Hazard Communication Program. separate "archived" SDS binder or electronically. A written hazard communication training program shall be provided for all ___ employees and ____ whenever a new hazard is introduced into the work area.
Location of the SDS file and written hazard communication program. • An overview of the requirements contained.
A sample written hazard communication program is also reviewed.
The Hazard Communication Standards (HCS), or HAZCOM for short were made to make it faster and easier for people to get the information they need about specific chemicals. OSHA revised its Haz Com Standard to align with the United Nations, Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS). This Hazard Communication /NYS Right to Know Program has been established at Baruch College - CUNY to promote a safe work atmosphere for employees that handle, or come in contact with hazardous.