Oscar Wilde De Profundis Letter. De Profundis, (Latin: "Out of the Depths") letter written from prison by Oscar Wilde. To Wilde's biographer Richard Ellmann, the 'most important thing about De Profundis is that it is a love letter'; despite its occasional arrogance and understandable lapses in structure, 'one of the greatest, and the longest, ever written'.
Here Wilde repudiates Lord Alfred and reflects on his ordeal, acknowledging how the depths of his sorrow have helped liberate him.
Although the letter lends support to the defense case, Clark chose to introduce the letter to prevent the defense from introducing the letter in a more dramatic fashion.
De Profundis (Latin: "from the depths") is a letter written by Oscar Wilde during his imprisonment in Reading Gaol, to "Bosie" (Lord Alfred Douglas). Oscar Wilde De Profundis Read by Simon Russell Beale with Merlin Holland unabridged. If you are really interested in Wilde and his life, read De Profundis, it gives you a complete understanding of the metamorphosis he underwent while in Reading.